Five reasons why.
Read below about the main reasons and benefits of choosing our company's services as your way to move, retire, work or invest on the next, and most exciting part of your life.
Contact us, meet with us and start enjoying the coolest change of all...leaving to Portugal!
The "Bridge Policy"
We are closer to you
Our company is American, with office based in Feasterville PA.
Half of the ownership is Portuguese so, we have what it takes to build the necessary bridges between your expectations and your results.
We know Portugal
Exactly because of the fact that half of our management is Portuguese, we have cultivated the best connections to assist you in all of the the discovery, the matching and the settling phases.
We have the right connections
You will never be "on your own" during the process of choosing where to live, how to integrate, enjoy the whole experience and getting the legal support needed.
We are like an "omnipresent travel agent"
The time will come for you, and your family, to go to Portugal to see a couple of properties but also to get a feel of how it is to live there, as in your main home.
Well, we really want you to fall for it at first sight. So, we'll create a personalized travel program, based on the property, or properties, that you want to check out. You tell us the duration of your stay, and we'll make sure that you'll have a true "Portugal experience".
Become local with us
We also team with attorneys, in the US and in Portugal, that will, respectively, protect your business with us and also set up your residency/citizenship status in Portugal/EU. When the time comes, you will meet and sign whatever document needed, with a licensed professional, in Portugal.
Our "Three-Phase" approach
The Discovery
Portugal is a land of explorers. So are you and us, too.
This first part of our service is where we show you the benefits of moving to Portugal as well as getting to know you and your expectations.
We even have a portfolio of properties to help you choose how and where you'll be happy next. This is also where you'll know if you can qualify.
The Match
Now that we know a lot more about you, we will match you with your future home, in all senses of the word; you will pick one or more properties to look at. These properties will be located in a part of the country that already meets your geographic and demographic preferences. The next big step is also included here; you and your family will probably, and rightfully so, want to see and touch the chosen place...breathe it in.
We totally understand that - it's a huge step after all. You'll fly there and we will move mountains for you to be properly assisted, and not just with the business aspects only, but we'll make sure that you'll have things to enjoy during your stay, as a glimpse of your future.
The Settle
By now you have already decided on your investment moves and we've agreed in moving forward together. So, this is where we take care of all "less fun" aspects, like getting you legal in the country, and finalizing your property acquisition.
Our relationship doesn't have to end here though; we'll gladly continue to provide assistance in your settling process, if you wish us to.